Joseph Hewes
Known for
Signing the Declaration (he died very soon after this event)
During 1776
Delegate for North Carolina
Age: 46
Born: 1730 in Princeton, New Jersey
Died 1779, very soon after the signing of the Declaration, due to poor health; the only signer of the Declaration who died at the seat of government​
Education: Grammar school of Stonybrook Quaker Meeting
He may have attended the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) but there's no record of it​
Spouse: None; his bride-to-be, Isabella Johnston, had died suddenly in 1766, leaving him embittered
​Children: None
Along with his business partner and nephew, Nathaniel Allen, Hewes had enslaved sixteen Black men and women according to 1774 records
In his 1779 tax record, Hewes listed about thirty Black people as taxable property
Personal beliefs
Politics: Warmed up to the realization that negotiation with Britain was impossible and therefore, rebellion must result.
By March 1776, Hewes felt that independence was inevitable: "I see no prospect of a reconciliation. Nothing is left but to fight it out."
Hewes, June 20, 1776: "...On Monday the great question of independency and total separation from all political intercourse with Great Britain will come on. It will be carried, I expect, by a great majority, and then, I suppose we shall take upon us a new name..."
John Adams remembered Hewes as changing his mind suddenly about supporting independence, but there is reason to distrust Adams's account: there is no evidence that Hewes's vote was sudden, and also Adams certainly incorrectly remembered the vote for independence as hinging on Hewes (it never did).
Religion: Raised Quaker; briefly dabbled in Anglicanism; may possibly have become Deist later on​​