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John Hancock


Known for

  • President of the 1776 Continental Congress

    • Put a really big signature on the Declaration of Independence (today, we call a big signature a Hancock)​

  • First & third governor of Massachusetts


During 1776

  • Delegate for Massachusetts​

  • Age: 39



  • Born: 1737 in Braintree, Massachusetts

  • Education: Harvard

  • Spouse: Dorothy "Dolly" Quincy (m. 1775)

  • ​Children: Lydia Henchman Hancock, John Hancock (neither survive to adulthood)​

  • One of the wealthiest men in the Thirteen Colonies, having inherited a profitable mercantile business from his uncle

  • Slaveowning

    • ​Growing up, the Hancock household had one slave to help with household work

    • When Thomas Hancock died in August 1764, John Hancock inherited the business, Hancock Manor, two or three household slaves, and thousands of acres of land.

    • The household slaves continued to work for John Hancock and his aunt, but were eventually freed through the terms of Thomas Hancock's will.

    • No evidence that John Hancock ever bought or sold slaves


Personal beliefs

  • Politics: Patriot/Whig; used his wealth to support the colonial cause

  • Religion: Member of the Congregationalist Church; highly committed to his religious beliefs

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